Commercial Wasp Control

Wasps are among the chief pests of the summer season. But they can quickly evolve from a minor pest to a significant problem in the business setting. As a result, customers and employees alike may choose not to frequent a place of business for fear of a wasp sting.

Commercial wasp control puts an end to the problem. This article explains how wasps behave and how to remove them from a commercial establishment with the help of a professional pest control company.

Dangers of wasps on commercial property

Wasps create a nuisance to business operations. But wasps are often more than just annoying. 

The buzzing sound is a distraction, and the fear of a wasp sting creates anxiety in the workplace.

Some wasp species are docile. They live among humans without incident. Other wasps are highly aggressive and will sting if they feel threatened.

Wasps have been mistaken for other insects such as bees. The consequences of misidentification can be serious as their stings can cause allergic reactions such as pain and swelling. In extreme cases, some allergic reactions can lead to death.

Types of wasp nests

Wasp infestation treatment starts with checking for nests on the property. The next step is to call a professional commercial wasp control company if the business owner finds a wasp nest.

Some wasps and their nests are easily identifiable. The four main types of wasps and how their nests look are as follows:

  • A paper wasp nest looks like an oversized upside-down umbrella. It is open and supported by a single stalk.

  • Yellowjacket wasps build gigantic nests in trees, underground, and many places in between. The nests are papery with a single opening.

  • Bald-faced hornets build nests at least 3 feet above the ground. They make their nests out of saliva and chewed wooden fibers.

  • Mud dauber wasps build nests out of the mud. These nests are small and tubular-shaped and found in crevices, cracks, and walls.

Wasp nest locations

Garages, sheds, and lofts might contain wasp nests. Wasps also build nests under eaves and in wall cavities. However, it is not wise to assume they are in one specific area. They might hide anywhere on the commercial property.

A commotion upon finding a nest might disturb and anger the wasps inside. This is an avoidable risk, and regular commercial wasp control keeps the workplace safer.

Keeping wasps under control

Diligent waste handling is a means to reduce the wasp population on commercial property. 

Helpful actions include:

  • securing trash containing food and drink to deter foraging wasps, as they are attracted to sweet sticky substances 

  • emptying and cleaning outdoor trash containers every evening since wasps look for food early in the morning 

  • double-bagging and tightly sealing garbage

  • spills in the commercial dumpster and pad need to be thoroughly cleaned 

  • the area surrounding the dumpster must remain uncluttered

Following these suggestions will not wholly eliminate wasps. However, it might decrease the number of wasps living on commercial property.

Commercial wasp control

Fighting a wasp war can take time and energy. Pest control specialists have years of training and experience dealing with wasps and other insects in commercial establishments. Their knowledge of the behavior of wasp species is vast. They can identify the type of wasp and recommend the best treatment solution. In addition, their treatment methods can be eco-friendly and effective.

Contact a pest control specialist today to schedule a wasp inspection on your commercial property.

Kinder Safe Pest Solutions offers 17 years experience in commercial and residential pest control serving Manatee and Sarasota counties. Call (941)254-2180 today!