Are You Struggling With Mosquitos? Here's How You Can Fight Them

Persistent mosquito buzzing can ruin a delightful day. The frustration only grows when the bothersome pests start biting, which causes intense itchiness and skin redness. 

Dealing with mosquitos, especially in warmer climates, can be challenging. Some natural oils or over-the-counter products can offer protection when you're outdoors, but a more permanent solution is necessary at home.

Here are a few practical solutions that can help prevent a mosquito invasion:

Start early 

Before taking any action, keep in mind that it's best to prepare for the mosquito season on time. Even if it seems like they've disappeared over the winter, some can survive the freezing months via a process called overwintering. 

They may be already laying eggs in the yard. Therefore, taking some practical steps for protection before that can save many hassles later. 

Remove all sources of standing water

It's essential to check the property for any pools of stagnant water and drain it. Female mosquitos lay their eggs in standing water, even in small spaces like birdbaths and buckets. 

Ensure that you pour out the stagnant water and check the receptacles after rainfall. Furthermore, check the gutters around the house and clean them if necessary. When clogged, gutters will prevent the water flow and create an ideal mosquito breeding ground. 

Replace outside lights 

Like many other insects, mosquitos are drawn to lights when it gets dark outside. The porch light or lamp near the window attracts them, and that is how they eventually end up indoors. 

To prevent this from happening, consider replacing standard light bulbs with insect repellent bulbs. Traditional incandescent bulbs are the worst option, whereas warm-colored LED bulbs are typically the best. 

Install mosquito nets

If mosquitos are an unavoidable seasonal nuisance in your area, consider installing mosquito nets on the windows and doors. Some homeowners can reach out to professional installers, but plenty of DIY solutions offer sufficient protection. 

These nets can keep the mosquitos and all other insects away successfully. However, remember that closing doors and windows at dusk prevent them from entering your home is always best. 

Call an expert mosquito control service

One of the most efficient ways to conquer a mosquito invasion is to call a professional service. They can help homeowners ensure their yards and homes are free from mosquitos using various treatments. 

A reliable mosquito control company will deal with the 21-day mosquito lifecycle and minimize the need for repeated treatments. 

Live in a mosquito-free zone

Dealing with mosquitos is frustrating, and if the problem is not adequately addressed, it can reduce the quality of life for many. Fortunately, homeowners can take several preventative measures. However, hiring a mosquito control company is often the only long-term solution.

Kinder Safe Pest Solutions offers 17 years experience in commercial and residential pest control serving Manatee and Sarasota counties. Call (941)254-2180 today!