The Benefits of Green Pest Control
There are many benefits to green pest control.
Eliminating pests in the home can take on many different forms. Sometimes keeping areas clean and free from crumbs and spills isn't enough. Some pest control professionals use substances that are effective at killing bugs but at the expense of homeowners' exposure to harmful or abrasive chemicals.
Green pest control won't leave unpleasant chemical smells or toxic residue. As a result, many homeowners today are requesting the use of green products from their pest control company.
What is green pest control?
Green pest control uses natural ingredients to create safer, less toxic materials to help eliminate problem pests. Many are botanical-based. Green pest control can also focus more on pest prevention than extermination.
The advantages of green pest control
There are several benefits to this method of pest control. They include using less harmful pesticides and targeting a particular pest.
Integrated pest management (IPM)
Integrated pest management focuses more on preventing infestation than treating an existing one. This method doesn't require much use of pesticides (if any). The techniques used are trapping, baiting, and ensuring that these unwelcome invaders have no reason to enter a home or a business. The approach is to apply a more natural way to dissuade them from entering than a deadly one.
If only one type of pest is the problem, experienced green pest control professionals know how to prevent or eliminate them. Different methods can be applied that work well for targeting that particular pest. This could include natural barriers that prohibit them from entering or using bait traps that only need to be placed near possible infestation sites.
More people-friendly products
Exterminators commonly use traditional chemicals, and pesticides can leave behind dangerous or offensive odors. When using green pest control practices, any substances sprayed or sprinkled into corners or under cabinets are much less potent to the eyes and nose. In addition, these treatments are much less irritating to those who suffer from asthma or allergies.
Green pest control products are easier on humans and their pets and are also much kinder to the environment. In addition, their use does not harm the environment as they are nature-based.
Ask a local pest control company about green pest control
This method of dealing with unwanted pests is much easier on the environment due to its use of natural substances. Those with asthma, allergies, or other respiratory issues can breathe much easier when traditional poisonous pesticides aren't used. In addition, the techniques help keep a home free of bugs and other unwanted critters. So contact a local exterminator and ask if they use any green methods.
Kinder Safe Pest Solutions offers 17 years of experience in commercial and residential pest control, pest proofing, and green pest control services in Manatee and Sarasota counties. Call (941)254-2180 today!